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List type: Unlimited Usage
Available: 196 Countries

Fortune 500 companies stand for a particular strata of the society that is largely deemed untouchable and unreachable one dare say, from a email marketing stand-point.

These are a small number (all though they are 500 after all) of companies that command the global economy and the largest of financial establishments change their game plan and cater to the requisites of these companies.

In such a scenario, don’t you think reaching out to such a database and having people corresponding to a fortune 500 database respond and react to you (become a part of your database) adds a certain level of credibility and belief to your standards?

Globe Data Solutions Lists provides a fully customizable (as per your requirement) access to a large scale Fortune 500 companies list. Our list comprises names, designations, contact details and other information that makes reaching out to members of this a simple possibility.

List Includes

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Title
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Website Address
  • Email Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Industry Size
  • Employee Size
  • Revenue Size
  • SIC/NAICS Code
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